Making a Difference in Central American Children

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Generation Hope is an initiative that aims to help the Central American children. We have more than four educational programs including schools Carlos Luis Vargas and Evelyn Vargas. In addition to an education, these programs help low-income children with food and monthly medical checkups.

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. - 1 John 3:18

Making a Difference in Central American Children

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Generation Hope is an initiative that aims to help the Central American childhood. We have more than 4 educational programs including the schools Carlos Luis Vargas and Evelyn Vargas. In addition to an education, these programs help low-income children with food and monthly medical checkups.

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. - 1 John 3:18

Children's City Inauguration

February 19, 2022, the inauguration of the facilities of Children's City in Tegucigalpa Honduras took place. This was a work that Apostle Carlos Luis Vargas said was not done by sword, army, or force, but by the spirit of God. After many years of planning and process this effort has culminated in the completion of the first phase of the project, which seeks to help children in this nation by providing education, homes and adoptive parents to those who are orphaned.

First adopted children's city child

Child’s Name: Moisés Arnulfo Castro Lara

Date of birth: September 25, 2015

Age: 6 years

Date of entry: March 7, 2022

Moisés’ biological mother has a physical disability. She is missing fingers on her left hand and foot, which have made it difficult for her to work.

When Moisés entered the Children’s City program, Moisés was not attending an educational center. He was also underweight, had challenges with his vision and damaged teeth.

Since entering Children’s city the Moisés has been treated for all the related health issues with which he was admitted into the program. In addition, he was vaccinated to ensure he could go to his pending doctor appointments. He has since been taken to his first orthodontist visit to treat the issue related to his teeth. He has also received proper nutrition and vitamins to help him achieve ideal health levels for a child for his age.

Currently Moisés lives at Children’s City – Dereck Emmanuel, where all of his expenses are covered, including health, housing, food, recreation and education. His foster parents also live with him in the facilities. His foster parents are Prady Gallegos (foster mother) and Douglas Betanco (foster father). The foster parents now play an integral role for the child as they have assumed the responsibility of caring for the child, instilling in him moral and spiritual values, in addition to ensuring he gets a good education. Most importantly they will provide Moisés a sense of family, as was the original design according to the word.

2022 Project Update

The construction of the first building and some other facilities have been completed. The facilities were inaugurated February 2022.
In the coming years, Generation of Hope will seek to expand its reach by continuing to build other buildings and facilities at Children’s City – Dereck Emmanuel. It will include facilities that will provide housing, health and education to orphans and less fortunate children in Central America. Of utmost importance, these children will be integrated into a family with the aim of developing professionals who in the future will become promoters of social and economic change. This project is located in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Click to see progress photos.
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The change that will bring about a better Latin America and the world begins with the formation of a superior generation. Children’s City – Dereck Emmanuel is preparing its students with a first class bilingual education.


Children’s City has its own clinic. Some of the professionals who work in this department are a product of contributions made by this institution over the years.

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Children's House

This is the wing of the facility where the children and their adoptive parents will live in at Children’s City.


The facilities have a private entrance with a security guard which provides safety for the children of the city. In addition, the facilities have spaces with the latest technology, a large kitchen and more.

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We have obtained transportation to mobilize the children who study at the Children’s City school.

2021 Project Update

We are putting our hands to work. The first building is currently under construction at the Children’s City complex. Three floors of the structure and the roof have been completed. We are now working on completing  all of the building’s finishes.

Click below to see photos of the progress.

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